
drawings and sculptural works from the group show wholes at 3e våningen, göteborg, may 2021.


diagram (rumtid)
radiator, millimeter paper A3

the hot air rising from a radiator placed on the floor makes a sheet of millimeter paper move. the flickering paper is constantly bending and lifting from the wall.

drawing paper A1, 84,1 x 59,4 cm
a sheet of drawing paper with a square cut-out is mounted on the wall. the paper square is a crumpled ball lying on the floor. more photos of another version here.
pencil on paper, 70 x 100 cm
yardstick, modelling clay resembling granite
a sheet of paper covered with pencil hatching except for an area the size of an A4 in the lower right corner.
a nail casted in epoxy resin, isolating it both from the wall and the room.

two pencil drawings resembling four paper corners - the remains of a sheet. the drawings invert and complement each other.



epoxy resin, nail. 5,5 cm in diameter
pencil on paper, two drawings each 70 x 100 cm
overview photos
hand made gravel organized in an 1m2 area.